Meet OneStream Platinum Partner B-eye Solutions at Splash in Chicago
MARCH 12, 2018
B-eye Solutions will join the OneStream Splash Conference in Chicago, Illinois from May 15 to 17, 2018. B-EYE is a gold sponsor, along with other respected OneStream partners across the globe.
During this event, we will discuss our developments within the OneStream platform, along with our on-shore and off-shore capabilities for implementation and support. Two of our founding partners (Jesper Kamstrup and Jesper Hansen) will be attending the conference, along with JM Castillo (Director of Sales and Global Back-Office Support).
Visit our booth at the exhibition!
DAY 1 - MAY 15
5:00PM to 8:00PM
Offshore Support and Development with Application Lifecycle Management
DAY 2 - MAY 16
12:30PM to 2:30PM
Strategic Planning in OneStream
Product Profitability Intelligence
2:30PM to 5:00PM
Advanced Ownership Cube
Task Scheduling and Automation in OneStream (TSA)
DAY 3 - MAY 17
9:30AM to 12:00PM
B-EYE Localization Toolkit (Support up to 9 languages)
B-EYE BLOX (Rapid Dashboard Development)
12:00PM to 2:00PM
Replacing Tableau with OneStream
Advanced Mobile Reporting
2:00PM to 4:00PM
Offshore Support and Development with Application Lifecycle Management
Excel Reinvented with OneStream
For more details about the event, please go to the OneStream Splash website: Splash User Conference and Partner Summit